MT. VERNON, IN – Two Harrisburg residents are facing multiple drug-related charges after being stopped for speeding on State Route 62 and State Street in Mt. Vernon, Indiana Wednesday night.

According to Mt. Vernon, Indiana Police, 29-year-old Miranda J. Key was charged with Possession of Methamphetamine and Possession of Narcotic Drug – both Level 5 felonies, Possession of Hypodermic Needle – a Level 6 felony, Possession of Marijuana – B Misdemeanor, and Possession of Paraphernalia – C Misdemeanor.
Twenty-six-year-old Matthew K. Carroll was charged with Possession of Methamphetamine – a Level 5 felony, Possession of Hypodermic Needle – a Level 6 felony, Operating While Intoxicated – an A Misdemeanor, Possession of Marijuana – B Misdemeanor, and Operating While Intoxicated, Drug – C Misdemeanor.
Around 10:15 Wednesday night, police pulled a red truck that Key and Carroll were in over for speeding and made contact with the driver, who was Carroll. Police started to ask Carroll about any narcotics in the vehicle. He produced a rolled marijuana cigarette.
A further search of the vehicle also revealed five loaded needles, marijuana oil, plastic baggies with suspected methamphetamine, more suspected marijuana as well as scales and a glass smoking pipe. A field test revealed the crystalline substance was meth mixed with fentanyl.
A check of warrants also revealed that Carroll’s passenger, Key, was wanted out of the State of Illinois on three warrants – all for possessing meth. They were then arrested and taken to the Posey County, Indiana Jail.
The Mt. Vernon, Indiana Police Department was assisted at the scene by the Posey County, Indiana Sheriff’s Office.