JOHNSTON CITY – The Williamson County Sheriff’s Office says a man was cited for drug-related and other offenses following a recent traffic stop on 9th Street in Johnston City.

Deputies cited Kenneth L. Johnson for Methamphetamine Possession, Possession of a Controlled Substance twice, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Resisting or Obstructing a Peace Officer, Operating Uninsured Vehicle and Improper Display of Registration. He was taken to and lodged in the Williamson County Jail.
Just before 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 21, deputies pulled Johnson over after noticing his registration was not valid.
When deputies approached Johnson’s vehicle, it appeared that he was reaching under and around the driver’s seat and into the center console area. Deputies told Johnson why he was being stopped and he provided his driver’s license, but no proof of insurance.
Deputies noticed Johnson was nervous, struggled to answer basic questions and angered by their presence. He was asked to get out of this vehicle. He refused and was then ordered to get out. He continued to refuse and began shouting at deputies.
Deputies eventually opened the vehicle’s driver side door and began to escort Johnson from the vehicle at which point he began actively resisting. He tried to flee, but was subdued and restrained.
Deputies informed Johnson he was under arrest for Resisting & Obstructing A Peace Officer and began searching him incident to arrest.
While searching Johnson deputies located two clear plastic bags containing a white powder and white crystalline substance in Johnson’s pants pocket. The clear plastic bags later field tested positive for cocaine and meth.
Additionally, deputies located a clear plastic bag with cannabis residue and a blue metal smoking device containing burnt cannabis.
A probable cause search of the vehicle was conducted which located drug packaging waste with cocaine residue, multiple Schedule 2 controlled substances, and additional drug paraphernalia in the vehicles center console.