MARION – K-Kids Week, February 12-16, 2024, recognizes elementary school students who join to help their community.
K-Kids is a Kiwanis International program that provides an opportunity for members to develop initiative and leadership skills through service.
The K-Kids of Marion is participating with the signing of a proclamation by the Mayor Mike Absher of Marion on Feb. 9.
“In Marion, we believe it’s important to give elementary school students the opportunity to give back to their community, to participate in service, and to have time together in an atmosphere that allows fellowship and fun,” said Jane Stiritz, K-Kids advisor.
The K-Kids program began in 2000. Today, more than 900 clubs further the Kiwanis International mission of serving the children of the world.
There are four K-Kids Clubs with over 100 members in Jefferson, Lincoln, Longfellow and Washington schools. These clubs are sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Marion.
Every year, Kiwanis club members around the world donate a combined 7 million hours of volunteer service. Clubs often provide help in communities where budgets have been cut or social services have been reduced. Each Kiwanis club determines the best way to meet the needs of the community. Some give students backpacks with school supplies while others provide gifts and meals during the holidays or organize bike and swimming safety lessons. To provide these services, clubs raise funds through a wide range of activities ranging from selling peanuts and holding pancake breakfasts to sponsoring car washes and dances.
Kiwanis clubs partner with youth leadership programs, including K-Kids for elementary school students, Builders Club for middle school students, Key Club International for high school students, and Circle K International for college students, as well as the adult service leadership program Aktion Club for adults with disabilities to make their communities a better place to live and work. In addition to four K-Kids Clubs in the Marion elementary schools, the Kiwanis Club of Marion sponsors Key Club at Marion High School and also provides support to Circle K at Southern Illinois University.
For more information about K-Kids, visit